David has been licensed since 1980, has received numerous sales awards and is both a Remax Hall of Fame and Lifetime Achievement recipient. David is a former President of the Fraser Valley Real Estate Board, a former President of the British Columbia Real Estate Association and has served on numerous boards in both the non-profit and for-profit sectors. David is the proud recipient of the “John Armeneau Professional Realtor of the Year” award which is the highest honour the Fraser Valley Real Estate Board can bestow on a member. David has many years of experience in market housing and seniors housing and is a valued resource for senior’s projects in British Columbia. David has his Seniors Real Estate Specialist designation. He currently sits on the Fraser Valley Realtors Foundation as a director.

Collette Burke, Personal Real Estate Corporation has over 23 years of real estate experience. Collette and David are the proud parents of 4 sons and have 4 grandchildren who keep them busy in their time off. Collette is a Remax Hall of Fame award winner and a Lifetime Achievement Award winner. Collette is a multiyear Medallion Club recipient (top 10% of Realtors in the Fraser Valley Real Estate Board). Collette has helped multiple generations of family members with all their real estate needs and thoroughly enjoys being a Realtor as helping others achieve their real estate needs gives her great satisfaction in her day to day activity.

Dan Herman has been a Realtor since 2015 after completing a 4-year Business Degree in Marketing Management. The third son of David and Collette, he admired their work ethic and the satisfaction they felt when helping their clients meet their real estate dreams. Dan has brought new life the Herman & Burke team and helped bring new and exciting marketing elements to their brand to keep up with the real estate trends and best serve clients in this technological age. Dan is a tireless worker and together with Collette & David, the Herman & Burke team can help any client with their real estate needs. Dan just achieved his first year as a Medallion Member.